Hills Sanctuary House Limited is a deductible gift recipient (DGR) endorsed charitable institution established to advance mental health and prevent or relieve social isolation. 

Hills Sanctuary House achieves this by operating a Community Shed at 669 Old Northern Road Dural where:
People who are:
– Suffering from, or are at risk of suffering from, mental illness; and
– Socially isolated, or are at risk of being socially isolated can congregate.

Opportunities are provided for members to undertake activities and/or work on projects in the company of others, so as to relieve isolation and loneliness;
– activities are conducted to prevent the development of mental health issues arising from loneliness and isolation; and
– Members are educated regarding strategies to improve their mental health and reduce social isolation; and undertaking any activity or doing anything ancillary to the main Objects.

All Donations are 100% Tax Deductible

Account Number:100012675
Account Name:Hills Sanctuary House Ltd
Bank:Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Please reference your payment with your individual or business name.
To receive your receipt please email confirmation of your donation to accounts@hshl.org.au

For all other inquiries please email:  admin@hshl.org.au