Finding Sanctuary: Navigating Grief and Loss

Key Takeaways:

– The intense support and presence of a community during the early days of grief can be overwhelming but also comforting.

– The realisation of loss often hits after the initial period of support, leaving individuals feeling isolated and alone.

– Men, in particular, are socialised to suppress their emotions, but embracing vulnerability and seeking help is a sign of strength.

The Power of Connection in Grief

Grief and loss are universal experiences that can be incredibly challenging to navigate. In the podcast episode “Finding Sanctuary,” Father Danny and Paul Tannous share their personal journeys of grief and loss, shedding light on the power of connection and vulnerability in the face of tragedy.

The early days of grief are often marked by an outpouring of support from the community. For Paul, after the passing of his wife Margo, the church was filled with people offering condolences and prayers. This overwhelming presence provided comfort and a sense of togetherness during a time of immense pain. Father Danny, who witnessed this support, emphasises the impact Margo had on the lives of those around her, bringing people back to the church and inspiring her family to continue her legacy.

Father Danny highlights the importance of finding ways to keep the memory of a loved one alive. Margo’s family continues her work through her foundation, offering support to others facing similar challenges. This act of giving back not only honours Margo’s legacy but also provides a sense of purpose and healing for the family.

The Reality of Loss and Isolation

However, as time passes and the initial period of support fades, the reality of loss sets in. Paul describes the 40-day mass as a moment of realisation that Margo was truly gone. The white noise of condolences and visits subsided, leaving Paul and his family to grapple with their grief in isolation. This shift can be incredibly challenging, as the absence of constant support can intensify feelings of loneliness and despair.


Embracing Vulnerability and Seeking Help

One of the most significant barriers to navigating grief is the societal expectation for men to suppress their emotions. Paul shares his experience of growing up in a culture where showing vulnerability was seen as a weakness. However, his journey through his wife’s illness and passing taught him the importance of authenticity and vulnerability.

Paul emphasises the cathartic release that comes from allowing oneself to cry and express emotions. He encourages men to seek help and support, whether through counseling or connecting with others who have experienced similar losses. Father Danny echoes this sentiment, highlighting the need for men to shed the societal expectations and embrace their emotions.


Grief and loss are deeply personal experiences that require support and understanding from others. The power of connection and vulnerability cannot be underestimated in the healing process. Father Danny and Paul’s stories remind us of the importance of showing up for others, listening without judgment, and offering a safe space for individuals to express their grief. By embracing vulnerability and seeking help, we can navigate the complexities of grief and find sanctuary in the love and memories of those we have lost.


Listen to this episode here