Debbie, Natalie, and Eddie share their thoughts on early parenting challenges, highlighting the importance of trusting your instincts over Google. They stress that every child is unique and encourage moms to believe in their own judgment. The conversation also addresses feelings of inadequacy and the need for better support. Eddie points out the amazing strength of mothers and calls for more recognition and understanding from partners. The goal is to empower moms and remind them of their incredible capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Parents should avoid comparing their children to others based on societal milestones, as each child develops uniquely and should be celebrated for their individuality.
  • Trusting one’s intuition and having patience is crucial in navigating the challenges of parenting, especially when dealing with different children who may follow distinct patterns.
  • Mothers often face significant burdens in parenting and require support from partners and the community to alleviate these challenges.
  • Empowerment and recognition are vital for mothers, emphasising that loving their child makes them successful and encouraging confidence in their abilities.


Introduction: Trusting Your Instincts and Building Confidence

Parenting is a journey filled with joy, love, and growth, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. In the early years, parents often find themselves overwhelmed by the abundance of information available, particularly through sources like Google. This phenomenon, which Eddie Reaiche aptly refers to as “Google-itis,” can lead to feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. As Natalie Moujalli shares, “We look for the labels, the boxes that help us explain what we’re feeling… It feels safe, but is it healthy?”

Eddie emphasises the importance of trusting oneself and the unique relationship between a mother and her child. He reminds us that no one knows the child better than the mother herself, as she spends 24 hours a day with her child. “You’re the expert on that relationship,” he affirms. Trusting one’s instincts and having confidence in one’s judgment can lead to a stronger bond and a happier child.

The Myth of Comparison and Milestones

One of the challenges parents face in the early years is the pressure to meet certain milestones and benchmarks set by society. Eddie highlights the dangers of comparing one’s child to others and feeling ashamed or inadequate when they don’t reach these milestones at the expected time. He reassures parents that every child develops differently and uniqueness should be celebrated. “The more unique a child is, the more special that child is,” he affirms.

Natalie shares her personal experience of comparing her two children and feeling like she was doing something wrong when her second child didn’t follow the same patterns as her first. She sought answers from Google and even consulted a sleep consultant, only to realise that each child is different. “You have to have the patience and the confidence to see it through,” the sleep consultant advised her. Trusting herself as a mother and having faith in her own judgment allowed her to navigate the challenges with her second child.

The Power of Feeling

Through the challenges and uncertainties of parenting, Natalie highlights the importance of reconnecting with our feelings and trusting our intuition. She refers to Eddie’s earlier point about feeling rather than thinking, saying, “We’ve lost the connection between the feeling, and now we’re overthinking.” Trusting our feelings and being flexible with the resources available to us can lead to a healthier and more confident approach to parenting.

Eddie adds that babies themselves don’t think, they feel. Recognising this can help parents understand their child’s needs and respond accordingly. He reassures parents that babies cry for various reasons, and it’s essential to trust their instincts and provide the necessary care and comfort.

The Burden of Motherhood and the Need for Support

While parenting is a shared responsibility, mothers often bear the brunt of the physical and emotional challenges that come with it. Eddie acknowledges the immense strength and resilience of mothers, who work tirelessly to care for their children. He emphasises the need for support, both from partners and the wider community, to alleviate the burdens that mothers face.

Natalie highlights the additional pressures faced by working mothers, who juggle multiple roles and often feel like they’re dropping the ball somewhere. The loss of financial independence (because of time off work, caring for baby) and the constant feeling of inadequacy can take a toll on their mental health. Recognising and appreciating the efforts of working mothers is crucial in creating a supportive environment.


The Importance of Empowerment and Recognition

Eddie’s work with perinatal depression in Middle Eastern women has shown him the lack of empowerment and recognition that many mothers experience. He emphasises that no mother is a failure, as long as she loves her child. He encourages women to see their true selves and recognise their capabilities as mothers. “You’re the most powerful force on earth for this child,” he affirms.

Natalie echoes this sentiment, highlighting the need for mothers to have confidence in themselves and their abilities. She shares her personal journey of rediscovering her confidence as a mother and realising that each child is unique. Embracing this uniqueness and trusting oneself can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful parenting experience.


Parenting is a journey that requires trust, patience, and self-belief. The challenges faced in the early years can be overwhelming, but by reconnecting with our instincts, embracing our uniqueness, and seeking support, we can navigate this journey with confidence and joy. As Eddie reminds us, “You’re the most powerful force on earth for this child.” Let us celebrate the strength and resilience of mothers and empower them to trust their instincts and build stronger bonds with their children.

In the future, it is essential to continue promoting a supportive and inclusive environment for parents. Recognising the unique challenges faced by mothers and providing resources and support tailored to their needs can make a significant difference. By fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence, we can create a generation of parents who trust themselves and their abilities, leading to happier and healthier families.


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