Career Choices Series Pt 3 – Embracing Our (Kids’) Uniqueness
Embracing diversity in career choices and relationships is important. Discover the beauty in individual paths, the impact of parental expectations, and the power of open communication. Your child is unique and one of a kind! Embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment to find sanctuary in life's unique opportunities.
Career Choices Series Pt 1 – Finding Your True Career Path
We share insights on identifying and nurturing talents early, the impact of family expectations, and the importance of seeking professional career advice to avoid long-term dissatisfaction. The episode explores themes of self-esteem, identity, and finding purpose in one's career path.
Navigating the Complexities of Student Stress and Mental Well-Being: Insights From the Trenches
Understand the. pressures and anxieties faced by students, particularly during exam season. Explore the impact of social media and societal expectations on young people and strategies for managing procrastination and exam anxiety.
Parenting Through the Teenage Years: Navigating Challenges and Building Trust
Parenting teenagers can be a challenging and messy period, filled with hormonal changes, physical transformations, and a strong desire for a sense of belonging. As parents, it is crucial to create a safe space for open communication and understanding.
FOMO – Social Media and its Effects
Discover the importance of self-awareness, setting boundaries with technology, and finding joy in the present moment. Find out how to break free from the constant need to measure up and embrace the beauty of what's right in front of you.