
True Spirit of Christmas: Letting Love and Kindness Guide Us Through the Holidays

21 December 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Debbie, Eddie and Natalie chat about the challenges people face during the holiday season. They discuss the pressure to fit in and wear masks, the exhaustion that comes from trying to meet expectations, and the importance of belonging and being authentic. They also touch on the impact of grief and loss during this time and offer strategies for finding comfort and allowing oneself to feel emotions. The conversation emphasises the need to prioritize mental health and find sanctuary in the midst of the holiday chaos.

From Fear to Trust: Creating a Safe Environment for Children to Learn and Thrive

8 December 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

Debbie, Natalie and Eddie discuss the power of apologising to children and taking accountability for mistakes, which builds trust and teaches children the value of apologies and self-reflection. They also highlight the need for parents to meet their children where they are developmentally and communicate effectively to establish a strong connection.

Motherhood – Instinctive Parenting and Self Confidence

24 November 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Eddie emphasizes the importance of trusting one's instincts and the unique relationship between a mother and her child. Natalie shares her personal experience of feeling inadequate as a mother when her second child didn't fit the "textbook" mold. The conversation highlights the need for self-confidence and self-compassion in navigating the ups and downs of parenting.

Men’s Shed – Father Wounds and Father Figures

10 November 2023|Tags: , , , , , , |

Men’s groups have emerged as a powerful force in breaking the silence and building connections among men. By providing a safe space for men to share their struggles, these groups help break down taboos and redefine societal expectations. Through open discussions on addiction, work-life balance, and vulnerability, men find support, hope, and the tools to become better versions of themselves.

Grief and Loss Part 2 – Paul Tannous

29 September 2023|Tags: , , , , |

We talk about grief and loss, especially the intense emotions experienced in the early days of grief and the importance of support from the community. Paul shares his personal experience of losing his wife, Margo, and the impact she had on the lives of many. Father Danny highlights the significance of Margo's legacy and the work being done through the Margo Tannous Foundation.

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